So, we managed to get the kids to the eye doctor. I am not completely satisfied with the results. The doctor said it was just allergies, gave them some drops, and then said they needed to see an allergist. The allerigist is in Santiago which is a couple hours away. I will see them again in a week if not sooner on the sea walk and hopefully the drops will have helped. I kinda laughed b/c the doctor asked him if there are any dogs, cats or other animals around. Um, has he stepped out of his office? There are dogs and cats and cows and chickens and horses everywhere. Not to mention this is a super poor area with dirty nasty water that the kids get into, as well as people in an out all the time and a constant breeze by the water. Oh well...what can you do? Just your best...
I leave a week from tomorrow and have mixed emotions about it. There are things I hate here, but there are more that I love. I don't ever see myself living in another country long term, but I can definately see myself going where I am needed for a few months at a time. Coming here for a month has been one of the best decisions of my life. It has streched me and molded me in ways I was not expecting. I highly doubt this will be my last trip back...
It was a good spanish day. I was able to navigate with the doctor, mom, receptionist, moto drivers for all, as well as have full fun conversations with the kids at school. As always, the guagua was an adventure. I told the cobrador about five times where we wanted off. When it was missed and I yelled "Aqui, donde puede!" and he ignored me, the entire van yelled in unison "Aqui!Aqui!" In a strange way I felt protected. I always feel like the stupid gringa, but they were helping us! A guy told me to not pay the full amount for the ride since the guy dropped us off further from our stop. I told him I didn't know how to fight in spanish. He said, "You know plenty. Don't pay the full amount, the cobrador can fight with me about it." I thought that was kinda sweet.
Hope you enjoyed a few more pictures that I forgot yesterday.
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