Thursday, May 8, 2008

Be thankful for good teeth!

We have had the pleasure of having Dr. Glennen and his assistant Connie at the school for dental work. They have managed to see every child and pull lots and lots of teeth. I was highly impressed with their skills and how well the children handled it. Of course, I am only posting the pictures of the kids freaking out because they are much funnier. And seeing how I am always a part of the shoving the tooth back in as opposed to taking it out, this was a learning and interesting experience. Edwin, AKA Bobo, had 8 (yes, count 'em 8) teeth extracted and slept through it! Not only that, he was snoring and had one tooth that had four roots instead of the normal three which made it extra hard to remove. He didn't care. I know he was numb, but good glory, there is still pressure. And we all know the doctor means when he says "you're going to feel some pressure." Oh yeah, he had an infected wound on his leg, so I cleaned and dressed it...he woke up for that, go figure. Below are the dentist and his assistant working on a student...and then Marta having a very dramatic moment!

I am always amazed at how children react to situations. I think only three of all the kids actually cried and got upset. Only two of them were we not able to work on b/c they wouldn't cooperate. This would have never happened in the States. We would have had to use all sorts of distraction and papoosing. I notice it even with the latinos that come into the ER back home. They are the most well behaved kids and don't cry until we leave the room or are told they are allowed. It's the machismo culture. And never in the States would we be able to just pull teeth without permission from parents.
Yesterday, I took a walk to buy more bananas and Ronni and Marco came with me. What sweet boys. Ronni is especially calm and nice to talk to. He's not a big talker but would answer and ask questions. I told him he wasn't a man of many words and he just smiled. Not a lot was said, but it's nice that they feel comfortable enough with this gringa to walk her around and put up with her bad spanish. And then Diori, who just stops by school, had a fall and had a nasty gash in his back that had already scabbed over. However, his ankle looked like this...
I feel like I can only do so much here and that there is so much that I don't know. It's a good place to be. To realize that I am so very finite and more importantly, I am able to do nothing without Christ. I just look at the situations and circumstances that I have encountered already and am in awe of his sovereignty and protection.
I'll post more pictures in a bit, the big bad blogger man won't allow me to add more on this post.


Lynn said...

Laura, you have such great stories and pictures. I'm glad to see you are having fun. I think it is neat that you got to see the Dentist work. I am still so amazed that the parents don't care what anyone does to their kids, even pull their teeth. It is such a diffrent culture than what we are used to. Tell everyone that I said Hi. Have a great day.


mbgouge said...

Wanted to let you know that our housechurch met last night and us ladies prayed for you and the kids. I'm so proud of what God is doing in your life and so proud to have you as my niece.

Love ya - Auntie Mary


Your Mom shared your post and this "old nurse" ex-traveler is having a great time to read your "adventures" Oh how I would love to be there with those great kids! I look forward to seeing what else God will do with you there! and you are right, you are "just a nurse" gifted though with what God can do through you! You never know what your touch or smile can bring to one person!

Sherri said...

Yes, we figured it out & it only took a week...We are so proud of your willingess, your passion for missions and your love for children. God blessed you with many ways and our hearts just soar to see you giving it all back to God in the form of serving others. You are always in our prayers, we miss you and love you more than you will ever know. And yes, I have stopped singing...LOL

Melissa said...


You are wonderful. I will go there someday with you. Keep it up! You should be so proud of me..this is the only blog I have ever logged onto more than once. What wonderful new experiences also! And just a comment to your parents...

Mr. and Mrs. Simpson,
I read your comments to Laura on this post and I agree with all of the wonderful things you said about your daughter, but you forgot one thing. She didn't get there alone. You guys are the ones responsible for bringing her up with such compassion and morals. Kudos to you.

Abby Fisher said...

I love reading all of your crazy stories!!!! I miss you so much at work!! I am glad you are having a great time, and you are always in my prayers :)

Abby Fisher

Unknown said...

Eight teeth! Wow! Are you sure that he wasn’t just trying to say the pain was a level “eight” and get the good stuff? Makes me very thankful for the preventative dentistry I’ve taken for granted way too long. Glad to see a faithful worker in action.


Dotti said...

Laura,I have to agree with Melissa. You are a great writer. You should write a book when you are done with all of your adventures.I can see the images as I read them like I am experiencing the adventure with you. It is amazing to see how thankful the kids are for your help and care. You remain in my prayers. As I always say, you are one of the best.Dotti