Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Where to begin. Well, if I hadn't extended, I would be headed home this weekend. I love Ohio and miss my family and friends there...but I am very glad I extended! It's hard to believe that I only have three months left here. I would love to stay through the summer and with the economy taking it's toll on ER's (you won't hear me complaining, people are actually seeing their doctors and only coming in if they are truly sick) I don't really know where I will end up. All the other travelers are having problems finding new assignments and with this lovely stimulus package promoting universal health care, I don't know how much longer traveling will be able to last. Very sad, but I really think by May things will have turned around and I will have a job available...God provides.

On a lighter note, I am very excited about the start of Passion City Church this weekend here in ATL. Check it out at I am actually looking forward to spending 6-7 hours there volunteering. I haven't been given a specific role yet, but I am just happy to be a part of something.

Also, right now my friend Rachael and I have been going through Lady in Waiting. I've done this study before and it helped change my perspective a lot. It's been fun to go through it again 2 years later and see how the principles have been applied to my life. In addition to that, I am part of a weekly study going through James with 6 absolutely amazing women! I cannot believe what God can do when hearts are totally open to Him and devoted to learning from His word. I feel like half the time I don't even really get it until we start discussing the verses. All the sudden the light comes on and we are all on the same page, applying deep truths and becoming better women for it. These are my favorite times of the week!

I have to work tonight and tomorrow. I get called all sorts of things at work. Lately, it's been whatever scrub top I am wearing. Twister, Bambi, Rainbow Bright... I can guarentee you that I will hear "hey Dora!" more than once tonight. However, Jermaine, who didn't talk to me for the first month I was here, ALWAYS calls me Donna Reid. He and everyone else thinks this is vote is still out