Most moms I know are great at finding a bargain or know the best prices around town. So I am asking for some of your knowledge...
Our team going to Uganda received this urgent plea today. If you know of any way you can help...please let me know! We don't care if it's formula being sent to our houses, donations to buy it or connections to the manufacturers.
Dear team….
At any given time we have several infants in our Baby Watoto homes who for one reason or other cannot tolerate a regular baby formula.
There are specialty formulas on the market that are designed for various medical issues, that we use in these cases. Unfortunately they cannot be purchased in Uganda and so we have to rely on donations from abroad and our current stock is out.
As this can make a life or death difference for a baby, we are appealing to you to help us with this urgent need. If your team has the space and means to bring even a few tins, it would help tremendously. If you have space, but would need us to fund the purchases, please let us know so we can work this out. The formula’s we need are:
Pregestamil – very hypoallergenic and quite expensive formula
Nutramigen or Alimentum – moderately hypoallergenic and moderately expensive formulas
Pediasure – A formula for over 1 year olds who can’t eat a regular food diet or have to be tube fed.
Thank you for all you do for Watoto!
Our teams momentum is building as we are just so excited to go and and I've been so blessed by how our relationships have flourished in the process of preparation. Thank you so much for being a part of it whether in prayer, money or buying T-shirts...little lives now can have big expectations. =)
Laura, what would be best, sending you money or the actual formula? Let me know! Gotta get some fuel in these future warriors and princess's for the kingdom!
whatever is easiest for you! My email is if you could email me there, I can get you more specifics. Thanks so much!
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