This isn't a great post and really has no point. Just kinda a recap. Got back from the DR and went to Ohio and then onto Atlanta. On my way back Jordan, sister in law, went into labor which led to me being in ATL for less than 24hrs before I was on the road down to Ft. Walton. Ethan Davis Simpson made his way into the world on June 2nd (also my grandma gouge's birthday) at 0716 weighing in at a hefty 10lbs 1oz and 21 in long. He's huge! And cute! Got to spend some special time with Emma and thought to myself more than once, "I would be so content to have her with me everyday." It just seemed so natural. Obviously Skype plays a huge role because I am not a stranger, she knows who I am...and she comes running right up for some big hugs and kisses. Here we are...a very happy Aunt with her precious niece and nephew...
I came home long enough to get everything ready for my good friend Justin to come down and visit from Ohio. He stayed at my place while I stayed with my friend Charlotte who lives in the same complex. He was here two days and we packed in the goodness of Atlanta. Lunch in Centennial Park, World of Coke, Aquarium, Stone Mountain complete with laser show, walk up to twisted taco with coffee at the bakery on the corner...and then a Braves game. A good visit with many laughs. I'm pretty sure all the business and traffic of this city was too much for him and he thinks I drive crazy...but honestly, you have to go with the flow down here. I can't help it if the flow is 85mph! =)
Rachael and I have been able to hang out a lot and started a new Bible Study on the life of David. It's pretty much life changing and I am loving every second of it! We did head down to screen on the green to watch Field of Dreams, of which we left early, but did thoroughly enjoy watching people get together play, sing and dance. The Cupid Shuffle was calling our names...but I'm not one to dance in front of thousands. That's right...rockin' the Ohio State Buckeye hat
Had orientation the past couple of days and am working the next two nights. I have missed the people, but not really the job...for the first time. I am sure once I get there, it will all come flooding back and it won't even feel like I've been off for a month.
As I sit here and write this, I feel so content. I love my new place. I love walking through the door. I love people saying it's "cozy and homey". I always want people to feel comfortable in my home. I grew up in a comfy home, a place people could drop in.
Guess that's all for now...looking forward to seeing everyone at work again and lunch with friends next week. Trying to stay up late tonight so that I can sleep late tomorrow in an effort to not be exhausted tomorrow night. A month of days...might take me a few nights to get back into the swing of things. Although, I could just keep reading about all my benefit options and be right to sleep in about two minutes.
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