Today I had lunch with my good friend remember her from the DR. She is in PA for the time being and will be here while I am. Since she is only about 40 minutes away, we are planning on not being strangers and being buddies here as well! Oh, how I have missed that lady! It was so incredibly nice to catch up with her, hear about how things are in the DR and the excitement that is her life. She has such a wonderful attitude and it's just a blessing being around her. I am amazed that we just pick up where we left off almost three months ago. Once again, so thankful for the bond of Christ! Here we are after our lunch in Chesnut Hill.
For those of you back at Dayton CMC...I have hung out with Casey and we plan on hanging out again soon. She is doing great and is still her sweet and funny self. I filled her in on as much as I could and we both agree that we miss you all terribly.
I work the next three nights, but my parents arrive this weekend! I am so excited to see them in person instead of on Skype, although we have passed many hours on it. We plan to tackle downtown and the history of our country. I'm excited since I am so into history anyway. I can't wait for Dad to see everything!
On a more dissapointing's not all bliss all the time. There is a saying that Philadelphia's anthem are the sirens you hear constantly. I didn't notice them until I was told this and now I notice every one. Within one week of just working 4 days, we had a severe abuse case taken to the trauma room of which the child later died, a gunshot wound and another kid with a knife stabbed into his head. A domestic abuse case playing out in the hallway and numerous child vs. auto cases. I don't say all this to make you must be rough there. I can't imagine. I say this all as a reminder to myself that people need Jesus here just as much as any other place. A reminder that it is my job to love and care for people who feel so alone and helpless in this city. God is the same God that is in Dayton, the DR, and here. Who am I that I get to be God daughter and live out the gospel in the flesh.
I am currently reading Francis Chan's book called Crazy Love. You need to read it. Period. This is comimg from a girl who never takes the time to really read books. It will wake you up and spur you on.
That's all for now...will post next week sometime after downtown and ocean city!
1 comment:
WOW, so glad you have people to hang with, travel nursing can sometimes leave you "alone" and well that can be good and bad! You have a solid foundation with Christ which makes it cool! Praying for strength in some of those challenging situations! Have fun with the parental units! Be a "mooch," (that is what my Dad calls me when he buys me dinner as he winks at me!!) Enjoy!
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