Ambiorix actually didn't run when he saw me this time...although he didn't really smile either! =) It was so great to see him and his family again. He's growing so big!
Yunairi...ahh, seriously one of the most beautiful children I've ever seen
Yulena, Luis Fernando, myself and Islan
The medical team on the first day of clinic was an amazing week. Still don't have words for all of it. I usually have to take a few days to adjust to being back, but this time is a little different. I am terrible at goodbyes. With it being my 5th time leaving, I really thought I would be ok, but I found words escaping me with the staff and tears streaming down my face on the way to the airport. I didn't really have a chance to say bye to any of the special hugs, but in my heart I was hanging on! I've honestly been an emotional wreck since I've been back as I try to flesh things out and decide where to go from here. I'm not usually emotional...but twice a year it happens!
Our Team was such a great group of people! This was probably my favorite year as far as groups go. Everyone just got along really well and all willing to help out. It was wonderful to meet new people and get to know hearts better. It was a little piece of home (ohio) in a place that feels like home (dr) even though I have established a new home (atl).
Once again, we all felt like what we were doing wasn't enough. You always want to do more and give more and love more, but it is important to keep in mind that what little we were able to offer is still more than they would have available to them. The clinics went well, the dentist and his assistant were fantastic, and we were able to see all the kids and their families. All of us that have gone all three years have been encouraged to watch the living conditions and the conditions of the little bodies improve over time. The Mak Team is doing a great job medically. Between cleaning wounds, making the kids brush their teeth, getting two meals and taking vitamins...the difference is obvious.
The Makarios Staff is alive and kicking! It has expanded and it's fun to watch the organization grow over the past three years. Meeting the new staff was so encouraging and I can't wait to see them again and see how much they've grown in just 6 months.
I've already started taking steps to go back in May. I have to go back. Hopefully there will be more post in the future that make more sense.