I will be heading back to the Dominican Republic May 19-28 to see my little kiddos and hug them until they squeal "no mas!" This time around I will be assisting a dentist as he does his thing. I remember watching all this unfold last year and laughing hysterically as Bobo feel asleep with 8 of his teeth being pulled. Snoring actually. SO dental assisting will be new for me, but I will do whatever is needed and am quite excited about it. Also, I am going to do some investigating with the clinic and find out what vaccines they have and try and get the kids on a schedule. Then, when the group goes back in November, we can work in the vaccines as well. Maybe I'll get to give a few shots since I enjoy perfoming that task more any human should. The only thing I like more...starting IV's...sick sick sick, I'm aware.
It's been an emotionally rough week at work. We've had a few abuse cases in which the babies are now no longer here. I've had suicidal teens. A few weeks ago I was rocked when I took care of the sweetest little girl with a pretty much terminal diagnosis. It happened again this past week. The parents needed a few minutes to grieve and mourn the future months. I walked in after about fifteen minutes of talking to the kid and making sure he was alright. Mom was on the phone making calls and Dad was a mess. Nothing kills you more than seeing a grown man cry in desperate brokeness. I looked straight at him and asked if I could get him anything. Water? More tissues? It seemed like such a dumb question considering I know he wants me to take this diagnosis away and all I could offer was something superficial and material. He looked right back threw him hands up and said "prayer." THAT I could do. I knelt down beside him and just prayed. I have no idea what I prayed and was pretty sure I was repeating the same thing over and over, but what an honor to be able to intercede through words and tears for a family that has had their world turned upside down in one second. I think that's what I love most about my job. Whether it's in the Dominican, innercity Philly or Atlanta's suburbia...the Lord has a role for me in each. I love getting to pray with my patients. I don't know their relationship with God, they may or may not know Jesus. But I know with all my heart and soul that I can speak straight to my Savior and I can bring them to the foot of his Throne. It's a stressful job sometimes...but it's very humbling.
Last night we had a global night of worship at Buckhead. Anyone could join in via web. We had two worship leaders from our partner church in Brazil come and sing with us, videos about what's going on all over the world, an 8 yr boy singing a lullaby his dad wrote to the disabled children of China that have been abandoned, Tribes in africa, Ireland joined in, tons of US states and many other countries. It was two hours of praising God, communion and once again realizing how big he is and that he is the same all over the world. I was choked up all night...as usual when I quiet down enough to get a little glimmer of God. Apparently the skies were just as abundantly thankful! When we left there was a lightening show going on, thunder shaking everything and POURING down rain. It was wonderful. I love thunderstorms anyway, but in that moment it was just a continuation of His power.
Here's Rachael and I when we finally made it to the car.