This is one of them. My Sarah, known fondly as Sarah Kate, Say-rah, but mostly to me as my best friend. We met when we were two. There was a group of us and I keep in touch with most of them, but Sarah, Beth and I did spend our sunday mornings together long before AWANA started. Sarah and I haven't had the perfect relationship. It was seemingly perfect and than came crashing down. And I mean crashing...painful, heart-wrenching time. But I believe this time cause both of us to turn to God and good counsel harder than we ever had before in our lives. A few years went by and things were awkward as we waded through desperately wanting this friendship back, but not really knowing if it were possible. I stand here today being better for knowing and loving this beautiful young woman. As only Christ is able to do...we have been restored. There has been radiant reconciliation! I praise God that He had brought us together again, to share in life, and what an honor to stand there with her as she excitedly moves forward into this new chapter of her life with a fine man who loves our Lord. At the rehersal, we both ate our typical meal...only instead of walking to Dairy Queen, we drove to TGI Fridays. Yay for chicken fingers and fries!
Sarah and her father. She got married in the backyard of her childhood home...just like her mom did.
She did in GREAT job of picking out beautiful dresses and colors
Myself, Elizabeth (sister) Sarah, Christina (sister) and Stacey (sister)

Also, since Justin (Sarah's hunsband) and I went to high school together and we all went to the same church. How funny is it that Bo was one of his groomsmen. Bo was Prom King and I was Prom Queen in addition to being great buddies...Here's a picture of us in the Fall of 2002.

And here we are in the fall of 2009...and now I feel old!!! What the heck happened!
The end of a busy and fun day. Oh Sarah, I love you!
In any given box of pictures at our houses, there are atleast 100 pictures of us in 100 different outfits on 100 different days, but the same pose. I have long arms =)
Here is the second reason. This is the Lovely Lindsey, AKA Lou, Linds and aggressive twin...of which I was the other half. Lindsey and I met in 3rd grade but didn't really become friends until we started playing volleyball. Even that was a bit rough at first as we both played the same position and are both highly competitive. Once we figured out that we both can play the whole game,just opposite of each other, our friendship blossomed. Both being believers on the team and going through the same things outside of school at the same time, we became a stronghold for each other and constant encouragement. Our friendship has continued through going to different universities, me traveling and her traveling both for our jobs. James is one blessed man and I could not be happier!
Also at the wedding was Andrea. She is a dear friend of the family and we laughed...a lot
Lindsey's photographer caught this shot. I had no idea, but it is one of my favorites! Linds mom told me to go up and see Lindsey before the wedding. I came around the corner and she came running across the room in her dress. We did the typical hug and scream...can't express my excitement for her!

Also, Sarah and Lindsey, thanks for both getting married in the same weekend!
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