I took Angel to get his prescription filled and then Cara and I took him to the dentist. He is all swollen and has not been able to eat or sleep. The dentist wrote another prescription and told us to come back when the inflamation goes down. I feel so bad for him, he looks miserable.
On the guagua ride home today, this boy was sitting next to me in the back and couldn't have been over 11 yrs old. He kept nodding off and before I knew it, he was fast asleep on my shoulder. All the older guys were laughing and talking about it. When he woke up I asked him why he was so tired...he had worked all day. This poor little guy is too little to be working all day long. I let him go back to sleep. Who cares if it was on my shoulder. I knew I was safe for him to be near and he just needed to rest. I'm glad God gives us shoulders.
Robin is back from the States and it was so good to see her! I got to meet Laurin who is also on staff and in charge of the interns. Laurin's mom is visiting too. Kate's parents are in as well. Lots of visitors! And Shara gets in tomorrow to care for the twins while Sharla is in the States.
Speaking of Los Tweems (not proper spanish, it's a joke). I watched them Saturday and Sunday and was surprised at how well it went. They are 2 and I am 23, so I had to show them who was boss, but once they got that down we had some fun. They are loving all the attention of having everyone back in the house and new people to play with.
Random: Cara laid down to rest on the dentist chair and it looked like she lost a leg. We found this funny and took pictures.
I had my first stuffed bell pepper tonight with a side of the most amazing pineapple ever. I really liked it, maybe I'll make you one when I get back.
OH! We just got a call...Jenny is going to have her baby tonight! A c-section was scheduled because she has low amniotic fluid. Please pray for Jenny and Miguel as this is not how they thought things would go and that the baby is delivered safely without complications.
Laura,The kids look so much fun! Babysitting is a challenge, let alone not speaking English! What a Wonderful Challenge! I love nursing, but this makes me missing teaching. Work carries on, but we miss out Laura. We have funny stories for you when you get back, as well as, you have many stories for us! Have A Blessed Week! Love, Dotti
You are doing tremendous work there. If ever i sawa true calling for a person this is it. God bless sis. Take pride in what you do. You compassion and abilities seem to be limitless.
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