Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Big Medical Day...

So, Jenny had a c-section last night and it was my pleasure to go check on her this morning at the hospital. They had told her she might be able to go home this afternoon...I highly encouraged her to convince them to let her stay an extra night. She is more than just a postpartum mom, she just had major abdominal surgury. The way they do things is so weird here, even over 24 hrs later she still hadn't had anything to eat or drink and was barely walking around. Other than starving, she is doing great and the incision actually looked 10x better than what i was expecting. I'll check on her again tomorrow. I only got to hold him for a second but it really made me miss all the little babies I hold all the time at home...He is the wonderfully handsome Diego Miguel Morel...
I get to school and Luis Miguel, the head full of fungus kid, is limping around on a foot twice the normal size. He kept telling me nothing happened. I am assuming this is in part because I force him to take an antifungal pill everyday that he always chews instead of swallows and he is sure I will have nothing nice to do to him....and he's right. Thankfully Robin got the story and he stepped on a nail. So, I walk myself to his house, talk to his mom, who agrees to whatever treatment I decide, drop him back off at school and then go to the pharmacy to buy a tetanus shot. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I got to give my first shot down here. Oh, how I have missed it! He totally freaked out, as would I, but after he got a sucker from Camille and was pacified quickly. I cleaned his foot out even though I couldn't see a fresh entry site. He said it happened in the morning and that he stepped on a nail. I thought it looked like a bee sting and tried to save him a stick, but he stuck by his guns and I can't take the chance of him getting all tetnified on me.

In the midst of all this another child comes up with a swollen thumb where he cut it with a kitchen knife. Much to my dismay, it happened on Sunday and already had a scab. He will have a scar, it could have used a couple of stitches...and no, I would not have sutured, I would have taken him to the doctor for that...or Darren, the suture king, if he were able to be here. Here's what it looked like...it looked worse in 3D

After school we all came home to get ready for Kate's Birthday Party at Agualina. Such a great time! Here is a picture of the staff...not the greatest, but atleast you can see who I share my life with here.

Alright, that's it for now. Tomorrow I am going to try and post about my funny adventures this week.


Lynn said...

How exciting! Tell Jenny and Miguel congratulations for me. He is so cute. Have they named him yet? I'm so proud of you being able to use all of your gifts and abilities down there. Taking care of everyone and using your own resources to help with their needs. You will be blessed for it. Have a great week.


Abby Fisher said...

I think you could have sutured it :)

Tammy said...

I miss you! I had the technology challenged Rob read your Blog and he tried to comment, but couldn't figure out how so I'll pass on what he said. He thinks your an angel and that means a lot coming from someone who has a princess for a daughter! Truly, we both believe you are awesome and love you dearly! Hugs, Tammy